Saturday, February 11, 2006

I Didn't Mean To Hurt You

In typical male-geek fashion when presented with an on-line 'robot constructor'. I ignored the availability of instructions and just started clicking on the various controls, turning off the gravity etc... and somehow I managed to 'injure' the little fellow so he now stumbles around with one leg in the air, occasionally falling over and then painfully limping on. I was surprised how much this affected me.

One night when I was baby-sitting for friends, and the mother was doing the 'show and tell' of where all the booze and snacks coffee and buscuits were we ended up in the lounge in the presence of a modern high-tech TV/digs/satellite/DVD set-up and associated sub-woofers and doo-hickeys (a technical term - go look it up). She then made the ultimate faux pas of suggesting that her husband might need to show me how the controls worked for the various 'stuff'. Even he was embarrassed by the obvious slight on my manhood.

And if you haven't seen it yet (and if not why not?) then check out the ultimate techno-gizmo down at AntToeKnee's place.


Toenex said...

Welcome to the blogsphere-niverse-mos. I had a quick pop with the robot simulator and managed only to design something with all the finese of one leged starfish. In my next attempt I simply sketched a nob on its head? I may be childish but this was v funny.

Unknown said...

Thanks ToeKnee - I can firmly place the blame with you for my entry into the blog world. After sampling your inane ramblings I gave in to the force too strong to resist that said "If he can get away with it..."

Don't knock on-legged starfish - at least they're mostly 'armless [FX: ba-boom-tish].